The Revelation of the Pyramids

An apocryphal view on the pyramids, starting in awe at the amazing achievement of the pharaonic architecture and sculpture, most specially at Giza, given Cheops pyramid's size, weight, incredibly precise carving, four pairs of slightly shifted half sides, stunningly precisely measured shapes and symmetry. Then it questions and challenges conventional Egyptology beliefs, which it calls unproven or even impossible to verify, such as the absence of machines, a wharf duration of only 20 years or accidental equinox-orientation. Next it elaborates the theory that other major pyramid technology sites in pre-Colombian America, Easter Island and China can't coincidentally lie on two lines intersecting at Giza, even if not contemporaneous and without known contacts in their ages, and have several improbable things in common, like some of their cultures.
Directed by: Patrice Pooyard  Studio: Ekwanim Productions